SOS twotwo review

PMC twotwo.5 & twotwo.6

Friday, July 12th, 2013
Hugh Robjohns
Sound on Sound

“Most ported speakers have an impaired bass output at low listening levels, and you need to crank the volume above a certain point before they really come alive – that just doesn’t happen with PMCs.”

“Both twotwo monitors are capable of delivering silly sound pressure levels for a near-field design.”

“In terms of stereo imaging, both twotwo monitors delivered excellent results, with a wide and stable sweet spot, and very good depth and lateral positioning cues.”

“The quality improvement is so great that I’d say the twotwos are treading on the petticoats of the flagship AML-2! Clearly, PMC’s evolution of the DSP technology, combined with the latest generation of Class-D amplification and some highly evolved cabinets has produced something which is far greater than the sum of its parts. Highly recommended for auditioning.”


Seriously impressive neutrality and resolution.

Consistent tonal balance regardless of listening level.

Versatile orientation options and built-in isolation mounts.

Inaudible excursion-limiting driver protection.

Impressive but well controlled bass extension for cabinet size.

Analogue and digital inputs, plus system linking and remote control options.

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