In a rare opportunity for visitors to a hi-fi show, attendees at the forthcoming High End Show in Munich will be able to experience the unrivalled performance of PMC’s large-scale studio monitor speakers, as they are put through their paces in a “live verses recorded” workshop.
German hi-fi magazine, Stereoplay, will be using a pair of fully-fledged studio monitors, the IB2S XBD-Active system, as used in major recording studios across the world, in its workshops. Using a selection of recording equipment including a Studer 80 MkII, a SPL mixing desk and an Octave preamp, Jürgen Schröder, Stereoplay editor and recording engineer, will be making analogue and digital recordings of Uli Schiller’s guitar playing for the show visitors to compare and experience the differences for themselves.
Visit the not to be missed Stereoplay workshops in Atrium 4, room F 228 and find out why PMC loudspeakers are the products of choice for the biggest names in music recording. And discover how no other speaker can get you so close to the original, bringing you the same experience from studio to home.
In addition don’t miss the spectacular new twenty.26 that will be on demonstration in the PMC room, F123 in Atrium 4