Progress continues apace at PMC’s new headquarters, Holme Court, near Biggleswade in Bedfordshire. The restoration teams are hard at work carefully nurturing the original features of this Georgian mansion to ensure its heritage is preserved, while making it suitable for a cutting edge business like PMC.
The centrepiece, a magnificent staircase, is taking shape as the artisan carpentry team carefully repair the carved balustrade and spindles and the electricians re-hang the huge restored period chandeliers. Internal decoration has commenced on the entrance hall and offices which will be inhabited by the first departments to move in, namely R&D and marketing, at the end of April
Externally, roofs have been replaced and much of the brickwork has been repointed with traditional lime mortar. Now, with the better weather, attention has turned to the gardens. Five acres of matured grounds, dating from the 1860s are being clipped, cut, pruned and landscaped by a team of experienced gardeners to make the surroundings as impressive as the building itself.
Once completed, Holme Court will be a spectacular headquarters for PMC: providing the perfect blend of British craftsmanship, splendid Georgian architecture and high-tech industry.