If your speaker is more than 0.5m (20”) away from all walls /ceiling /floor set the Position to FREE.
If your speaker is within 0.5m (20”) of one wall set the Position to WALL.
If your speaker is within 0.5m (20”) of two walls, or one wall and the ceiling or floor, set the Position to CORNER.
If your speaker is within 0.5m (20”) of three walls (e.g two walls and the ceiling or floor, also known as a tri-corner) set the Position to CORNER and set the low-shelf EQ to -4dB at 45Hz.
NB: The PMC8-SUB and PMC8-2-SUB are pre-equalised for placement on the floor. If a sub is positioned close to one wall, select the ‘Wall’ mode, and if positioned close to the corner of two walls select the ‘Corner’ mode.
The diagram below can help to identify the correct setting for each position:
D = CORNER plus -4dB low shelf at 45Hz